Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Insert Whinge Here

I'm not one for whinging.(cough cough) Or making excuses but holy crap I have had a few weeks of it. First my I threw out my back- which still isn't back to normal ( that's the excuse right there) then work got really busy and stressful then as soon as I finished up work for the holidays I get sick... not man flu stick. Real sick. I am miserable. I really cant wait to get back to myself. The happy healthy myself. The drag my ass to the gym three times a week and pretend I hate but secretly feeling like high fiving  and chest bumping people on the way out the door the last session on Friday feeling.

Roll on January that's what I say....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I is brokeded

I tried to tell ye. Ye didn't believe me. I am a klutz.
I threw my back out. Soft tissue damage. Boo hoo.

My dog ran under me and put me air bound and of course I couldn't land anyway dainty... Big tree fall hard.
Can you see why I got her? So small and cute at 8 weeks.
Not so small and cute... Petite women obviously don't run in the Moloney household.

I know that I whinged ... moaned... stalled... complained... begged... distracted...I take it back! I take it back! Doctor doesn't think I'll be back in the gym for 2 weeks...  I only have 2 weeks left in my course..

"Humor is mankind's greatest blessing"- Mark Twain.