Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Secret of Effective Weight Loss

I have finally found the answer to the million dollar question. I must patent it.

It's Eat less and Exercise more.... Who would have thought eh.

Over a stone gone. Half to go. It is five weeks to go to my California trip. The thing about California is that are all skinny ass biatches over there. If I went as is I'd be sleeping on Venice Beach and be awoken with a pails of water being thrown on me and this...
Next year I am going back to Orlando. I am regarded as pure skinny over there!

If  it Tates Good- Spit it out- Author Unknown

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Keith Barry / Red Fm Diet.

I will let you in on this diet secret.Not even going to charge you, get you to sign up or ask you to send money to the starving children in Africa...  Its called the "see yourself on Ustream diet in Red Fm with Keith Barry looking like a Heffalump" Diet. It is extremely effective. After the inital crying into the keyboard whilst stuffing donuts in your gob and rubbing your extra two chins....(yes multi tasking is my forte) it became a really easy to do diet...

Down 9lbs... Woohoo (Does the Carlton from Fresh Prince dance).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My new career as a Magician

It took a few weeks but I have managed it. I can do this really cool trick there when I sit down my belly button ring disappears.

Into the rolls of fat.
Back to the gym tonight for me.