I think the first week of the diet is going to be the hardest. I looove my food... washed down with a good glass of merlot of course... Ok I am making myself out to be a complete winebibber here.....Im not! I stay within my weekly recommended units of alcohol... yes I do save them all up and have them in one go... JK I don't!!!
"The Lady Doth Protest Too Much MeThinks".......
Eating the usual Low Carb stuff. Eggs for brekkie, prawn or chicken & bacon salads for lunch- and meat with 2 veg for dinner. Sugar free jelly or apple for dessert- Snacking on small amounts nuts and cheese throughout the day... am doing ok.. although as the night is going on I would run away with anyone for a slice of toast....
Today was with Lucie. She informed me we were going to do upper body session again today. I died a little inside (",) I was still so sore from Monday.. Every action that involves moving my arms I debate do I really NEED to do it. I went to work today with messy hair after lifting the brush up to my head once tand yelping I thought feck it.. Going to be in the office all day- with no reps calling no one is going to see me. IF the soap dispenser in the toilets were six inches higher I probably wouldn't have bothered with soap all day.. thats how sore I was. Yes I am a classy bird.
We did a repeat of Mondays upper body then moved on to some free weights which I had never done before. When the words "now this set requires a bit of co-ordination" came out of her mouth I knew I was in trouble... I wish I was of those pretty little dainty women pottering around the gym (with full make up on-WTF is that about?) that seem to do everything with ease and without even breaking a sweat but alas I am not small, dainty or Co-ordinated- I have talents. I know I do but none of the ones that are required to glide around a gym. So after the initial imagining the differerent things that could happen involving- me, packed gym and free weights- I gave it a go.. only nearly hit the guy in the gob that was behind me once... Lucie had great patience- didnt get mad at me once just smiled and said " bring it out to the side Sue not behind you"... got it in the end.. kinda ...CRINGE! I am going to be saying that a lot- its part of my vocabulary at this stage.. I am always just doing or saying the most stupid things when I am nervous or in front of people I don't know very well.. Today one of the other trainers which I am sure I have ever only said hello to once or twice passed and said " Howya getting on?" to which I replied "Great! You don't have a slice of bread on ya do ya?" Yes cringe. Maybe I have tourettes? but not the one that you tic curse words.. oh noooooo...I tic like I think Im a fecking stand up comedian... a bad one at that...