Thursday, September 23, 2010

D4 Carb Crash

What do you get when you add:
  • Low carb diet
  • Daily intensive weight sessions, 
  • Busy stressful work week,
  • School reunion that I am organising thats happening tomorrow...

 I have done Low carb about 18 months ago- So I know that it will have passed by tomorrow and I will have boundless energy from then on but that didnt make me feel any better today.

But being the trooper I am I struggled on and headed for the gym...
Thats me there on the left.
The Trooper. (",)

Arrived into the gym wondering  who was gonna bring the pain today... It was Gordon aka Sgt. Squat to the girls in the BLT (bums,legs & tums ) Class... BTW Im not a lover of  squats and what could be worse than squats. Squats with weights. but thank you up there it was only two sets- and the rest of the session flew- It was very enjoyable.

I thought for a while during the session I might actually be getting used to this gym lark and could see it being a regular part of my lifestyle... Untill.... Gordon recommened that I try "Pump" (workout class using bodybars and dumbells) after the 12 weeks...I thought after the 12 weeks I am never putting my (hopefully by then) skinny ass near a gym ever again... Going to maintain my svelte figure by sipping on champagne and nibbling on strawberries... I heard thats how Victoria Beckham does it....

Aerobics:  a series of strenuous exercises which help convert fats, sugars, and starches into aches, pains, and cramps.  ~Author Unknown

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