Thursday, October 21, 2010

Bunnies and Bow Wows

 Week 5 it is...Gulp that means there is a weigh in a comin'....
Have every of intention of getting a few extra gym visits in before it but who am I kidding-When I'm in there on the mandatory three sessions all I do is try to get as little done as possible . I am trying various methods of instructor distraction but find that if you can get the instructor to belly laugh you get at least 20 seconds- and lets face it... I am pretty funny. That or they are just pretending and die a little inside every time I crack a joke. I bet they are in the staff room drawing straws to see who gets to train the loony gym bunny boiler.

Ah I am just kidding about doing as little as possible- I do try my best- I have also learned how to do the plank and squats properly on Wills sessions. He is a ding er at  showing techniques. Also my mutts are getting their paws walked off them in the last 5 weeks. I remember a time when I used to go to the kennels with the leads and the dogs used to bound around in excitement trying to get out for the walk. Now they hesitate and hope that I had a gym session so I wont bring them over the 5 mile walk...  Look at them last Sunday wrecked from the walk...

Must bring them into Chris for a body fat analysis bet they are down as much as me...(",)

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